Volunteer Regional Service Committee
Call 901-350-5030.
You can call or text the regional helpline number. If you call, follow the prompts. 1) To talk to someone; 2) To find a meeting; 3) Listen to the Just for Today. If you text, enter your zipcode to find meetings near you.
Public Information Chairperson
Call 877-295-7707 for more information.
The Public Information Subcommittee deals with how NA interfaces with society and how we can utilize services outside of NA, including the media, to carry our message to addicts we cannot otherwise reach. Rather than being promotional, the goal of our PI campaigns is to attract suffering addicts to our meetings and let them know there is hope for a better way of life.
The Public Information Subcommittee needs your support to help carry the message to the addict who still suffers. The best way to help the subcommittee is just by showing up at our subcommittee meetings. We need your help to put up our posters, and to help in other ways in which we try to let addicts in our area know that we are available and here to help.
Literature chairperson
Call 877-295-7707 for more information.
The Literature Subcommittee maintains an inventory of NA literature and makes it available to groups and subcommittees at every ASC meeting. This helps further the groups’ primary purpose by allowing them to carry the message of recovery in printed form.
Activities Chairperson
Call 877-295-7707 for more information.
The Activities Subcommittee deals with organizing dances, fundraisers, campouts, picnics, and other activities that help recovery addicts learn to again enjoy life in a whole, loving, and clean environment.
The Activities Subcommittee is responsible for coordinating and promoting NA events throughout the community in order to support UNITY and FELLOWSHIP.
H&I Chairperson
Call 877-295-7707 for more information.
The Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittee (H&I) acts as a resource to groups and individual members in their efforts to carry the message of recovery into institutions such as hospitals, jails, detox centers, and other institutions where addicts cannot go out to a meeting.